
News · 10. March 2024
Alfred Harl from AUSTRIA elected as the new FEACO President
News · 23. February 2023
After the 2020 decline due to the Covid pandemic and the significant recovery in 2021, in 2022 Management Consulting turnover is expected to further increase its growth: +12.2%. The UK, Greece followed by Austria and Denmark, are driving such an upward trend. France, Italy and Germany are also achieving a double-digit growth rate.

News · 26. September 2022
feaco (European Federation of Management Consultancies Associations) admits the Ukrainian consulting association CMC-Ukraine as an associate member. In doing so, feaco is sending a signal of solidarity with the country in a state of war and for the unity of consulting companies in Europe.
News · 14. April 2021
A relative slow-down of the growth trend, mainly in Germany and France, has had a significant impact on the European panel trend. Hungary, Romania and Denmark are accelerating their growth trend. In 2020 Covid-19 had a major impact on the economy, disrupting established trends and making any assessment more difficult.

News · 25. January 2021
The Vice President of the Federal Association of German Management Consultants, Matthias Loebich, has also taken over the presidency of the European Federation of Management Consultancies Associations (feaco) at the beginning of 2021.