
AMCOR (Romanian Management Consultancies Association)

Avram Iancu 22

1st floor

district 2, Bucharest


Phone: +40 21 311 5175


Alexandra Pusca


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Year established: 1990
Full staff: 1 manager and 9 members of the board
Number of members: 65 firms

Short description of the association:  
AMCOR is the Romanian Association of Management Consultants, which brings together management consulting firms and PFA with CAEN code 7022.
AMCOR's mission is to bring added value to our members by promoting a climate of professionalism and ethics on the management consulting market in Romania.
AMCOR was established in 1990, it represents over 65 management consulting firms from Romania and the Republic of Moldova and 21 CMC (Certified Management Consultant) consultants.



  • National certification sessions of management consulting firms
  • CMC International Certification Sessions
  • Events: Professional Corner, national and regional conferences, EuroHub international events, professional commission meetings, etc.
  • Elaboration of addresses to the authorities
  • Organizing courses for entry-level consultants
  • Creation of professional materials, studies, market research, books written by consultants etc.
  • Representation of AMCOR in monitoring committees and working groups created at the level of ministries on the topic of operational programs
  • CSR actions (Corporate Social Responsibility) – courses held by management consultants from AMCOR in ASE and UB
  • Implementation of projects with European funding - in partnership with universities - mainly for internships for students and master's students